The PnPMPC toolbox is a GNU-licensed MatLab toolbox for the modeling of constrained Large Scale Systems (LSS) with linear time-invariant dynamics, for the implementation of the Plug-and-Play (PnP) decentralized and distributed Model Predictive Control (MPC) and PnP state estimation. The PnPMPC toolbox offers also several functionalities for handling zonotopes set and for computing invariant sets.

- Manage large-scale constrained linear discrete-time invariant systems.
- Design Plug-and-Play Model Predictive Controllers
- Design Plug-and-Play state estimators
- Design distributed state estimators based on invariant sets
- Design robust MPC controllers
- Efficient methods to compute invariant sets
- Manage zonotope sets (integration with Polyhedron objects of MPT3)
- Hycon2 benchmark: Power Network System (also available on arXiv:1207.2000)
- Integration with WIDE toolbox
Download PnPMPC toolbox v. 1.0
Download PnPMPC toolbox v. 1.0 manual
- 24 April 2014 PnPMPC toolbox v. 1.0 available online
- 23 April 2014 PnPMPC toolbox bibliography online
- 24 March 2014 Stefano Riverso's PhD Thesis: "Distributed and plug-and-play control for constrained systems" available online
- 22 March 2013 PnPMPC toolbox v. 0.9 available online Manual v. 0.9
Installation notes
- Step 1 Add the folder of the PnPMPC toolbox and its subfolders to the MatLab path
- Step 2 Run pnpmpc_toolbox_init
- Authors: Stefano Riverso, Alberto Battocchio, Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate
- If you use PnPMPC toolbox for research purpose, please let us know, we would be happy to hear your feedback!
- Please send bug reports, questions or comments to pnpmpc_toolbox ( at )
How to cite
- Please use the following bibliography definition to cite us:
author = { S. Riverso and A. Battocchio and G. Ferrari-Trecate},
title = { PnPMPC toolbox },
url = { },
year = { 2013 },
Thanks to
The authors of the PnPMPC Toolbox would like to thank Marcello Farina, Giusi Quartarone, Davide Raimondo, Daria Rubini, Fabio Sarzo and Michele Tucci